
Bloom 🦢
1 min readSep 2, 2021


Human shouldn’t sit still.
They should pursue their purpose.
Because the ugly truth is that we don’t have time. Time have us.

We don’t have the rights to ‘wait for the right time’.
Because it’s the time itself who waits for us.
Wait for us to get up from our bed, wait for us to pay that rent, wait for us to visit our parents, wait for us to finally do something right for our life.

We don’t know how much time we ‘have’.
But time knows how much of it have left for us.

Are you sure time is an inanimate objects?
I say time is a living creature.
It gave birth to people, but it kill people too.
It can be good, but sometimes it also can be evil.
It can be safe as it can be dangerous.
Time can manipulate human into believing that they have so many days, or months, or even years left,
When actually, they don’t.
So like other living creature, you have to be good with time so time will be good to you.

My point is, if one day goes by without you do something to make your purpose come true, without you get closer to what you call ‘dream’.
If one day goes by without you give kindness to other people,
You are manipulated by time and you lost.

bloom, 2 September 2021



Bloom 🦢

Hi there! These writings are copied from my locked notes. And I thought why kept it locked away when I could publish it. Now put on Gymnopédie No 1 on repeat.